A couple of weeks ago when I was visiting Linda--I looked through all of the cards sent to her by all of her family and friends. As she slept, I read the sentiments in each card and on each picture drawn and could not help but be in awe of how many people love my big sister. How grateful I am for all of you who have given service in any way. I know that it is your prayers, thoughts and service to Linda's family and the love of her own family and extended family that are helping her heal so quickly.
Thanks also, to the staff at LDS Hospital and at the Promise Unit who have shown so much compassion as they have taken care of Linda. You guys are awesome!
This information just makes my heart happy and my face smile.....I love Linda so much and to see her working so hard to recover....that's the Linda I know and love and she is an amazing person....she is a Hero to all those that know her.