Wow...where did the last couple of days go? Here's the latest update:
Linda continues to improve a little each day. She's adjusting well to her new surroundings and the many new faces at Promise (Salt Lake Regional Medical Center). She has a large room with a big south-facing window that provides a lot of sunlight. Her walls are covered with colorings from her granddaughters and "Get Well" cards from many of you.
Linda had lots of visits from her family this weekend. I'm pretty sure, however, that her favorites were from her granddaughters! They were finally able to visit her and she was able to greet each of them with a wave of her hand and a big smile. Awesome.
She's been working each day (except Sunday) with her occupational and physical therapists. This morning they worked on exercising and stretching her legs. Linda's able to do everything they ask of her. After her exercise session, they helped her out of her bed and into the bathroom for a shower. Since moving to Promise, she's been able to do this almost daily. I think most of us know from experience how good that feels when you've been in bed for an extended period of time. She's resting now from all of her morning of activity.
Diet Coke alert! Linda's feeding tube gets clogged every so often. When it does (which it did just now) they use a little shot of Diet Coke to clean it out. Those of you who know Linda well will appreciate this little factoid. We've always joked together that we would love a Diet Coke IV. Be careful what you wish for. :-)
Thanks to each of you again for your continued love and support during the past month. Her family appreciates it very much.
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