Her doctors and nurses are working to discover the source of the nausea and get it under control as soon as possible so she can regain her rehabilitation. We're praying for a breakthrough over the next few days.
Her abdominal incision continues to heal as expected. The bed sores on her back side are healing as well, although very, very, slowly. These continue to cause her pain and discomfort.
Linda is still unable to eat much beyond ice chips, especially while she struggles with the nausea, so she is still being fed through a tube in her abdomen.
As she's done from the beginning, Linda bravely faces each challenge with a positive attitude and does her best to perform the tasks that are asked of her. Even as sick as she feels, she greets everyone with a smile and a wave of her hand. She is truly an inspiration and we love her dearly.
Thanks to each of you for your love and concern. And a big hug to Linda's dear friends that have spent their time with her during the week while Lynn is at work. Lynn, Linda and their entire family appreciate all that you've done for them over these last 12 weeks. Thank you.
P.S. I'm writing this update today from the American Fork Hospital. My sweet mother-in-law, Ruth Anderson, suffered a stroke Sunday evening and is currently undergoing tests to see what the next steps in her recovery will be. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with her and my father-in-law Craig.
Thanks Dave for updating...even while you and Brooke are going through such a hard time with her mom. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers and know you will all be blessed from the help and time you've given to my mom these past 12 weeks. We love you guys and hope things can look up soon!