Linda's had one busy day today. Earlier this morning they conducted another MRI and CT scan. The results on both were positive. Her MRI showed no changes since her last one a week ago which is great news. And her CT scan showed no abscesses in her abdomen (what they were checking for) which is wonderful news as well.
The wound specialist changed her vacuum-pac dressing again today on her abdominal incision. That is quite the process and she seems pleased with the healing progress so far.
She "dangled" again today and I'm sure, for Linda, it seemed like going to the gym! She's able to respond to almost every voice command and they were having her really work it today. She's able to hold her head up, balance herself on the edge of the bed and kick her legs out. When they had her back in the bed, she was lifting her legs up a little and lifting and repositioning her arms. She was one tired girl when they were done. The physical therapists are very impressed with the progress she's making, especially in the last couple of days.
The infectious disease doctors stopped by to check on her this afternoon. They're pleased with her progress as well. During their visit, they asked Linda if her brother was in the room with her. She raised her right arm and pointed to me with her index finger. Yeah sista!!!!!
Linda's been able to stretch and move her feet around a lot the last few days so they've been able to keep the high-tops off for longer periods of time. Soooooo, in keeping with the pink Nike theme, my wife Brooke decided to paint her toenails the perfect pink to match. (See the attached photo.) They look awesome and all the nurses are jealous!
All of you have been so great with your support and love for Linda and Lynn would never want to single anyone out. But I wanted to mention how grateful Lynn is to his employer, Chris Martineau of Martineau Homes. Chris has not only covered for Lynn during the time Linda's been hospitalized, but most importantly, he's insisted that Lynn spend the necessary time with Linda without making him feel like his job was in jeopardy. Chris and his wife Sherrie are dear friends of Lynn and Linda's and we're grateful for them in their lives.
As of Monday, Lynn has been able to go back to work for a few hours each morning and check on each of his projects. Work is a blessing and sometimes the very best therapy.
Linda is resting now and hopefully preparing for her exercise session tomorrow. They're considering standing her up for the first time. Amazing.
Not to be repetitive, but a big thanks to all of you who are following this blog each day and keeping our cute sister in your thoughts and prayers. We feel of your strength and are seeing the effects of your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
I work at PEHP with Linda and I am sooo happy that she is improving. We sure do love and miss seeing her! Give her my love and you will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.